Published on August 22, 2020

While travel is still limited for some of us, that doesn’t mean we can’t explore the world virtually and make a list of what our future destination travel goals are! We’re here to help make that travel goal list worthy of envy by filling it with off the beaten path destinations that travelers only often dream about.
Follow along as we uncover some of Southeast Asia’s hidden gems in our bi-weekly trivia. Learn about historic sites and alluring locations to inspire your next travel goals in Southeast Asia by following us on Instagram (@VisitSoutheastAsiaOfficial). Stay tuned to our Stories to gather clues for our next location reveal! Follow the hashtag #WhereInSoutheastAsia and check back to our page the following day to learn more about our mystery destination.

Try to guess all of our Southeast Asian hidden gems for the ultimate list of travel goals! Where will you visit in Southeast Asia next?
Stay tuned here: